Super Tadapox
Super Tadapox is a miracle benefit for patients disappointed with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Super Tadapox of Centurion Laboratories Pvt LTD in India, it is a drug prescribed by many doctors around the world.
Tadalafil and dapoxetine are two important ingredients used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Therefore, to help these patients, they are both incorporated into Super Tadapox tablets.
This easy way of using medicine makes it very suitable for the patient.
What is Super Tadapox?
The blend of dapoxetine 60 mg and tadalafil 40 mg forms a prolific product known as super tadalafil.
In addition, the combination of the two powerful salts begins to work to eradicate the typical sensual difficulties.
In addition, the drug dilates the arteries available in the cock and promotes erection in combination with sexual arousal.
Also, the pill alone does not cause an erection.
This remedy is also an oral prescription that helps manage male impotence.
In addition, the drug has a strong prescription consisting of a composite of dapoxetine and tadalafil.
In addition, this medicine has the advantage of high disintegration rate and solubility in the body.
In addition, this treatment promotes blood flow to the groin, especially the penis.
In addition, the drug sends a large amount of blood to the arteries of the penis, which causes an erection.
Use of Super Tadapox
Erectile Dysfunction:
This is a sexual disorder in which a man finds it difficult to achieve and maintain the desired hardness of an erection during sexual intimacy. Super Tadapox treats erectile dysfunction by improving the hardness of the erection and helps men maintain this erection for 4-5 hours.
Premature ejaculation:
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates early or cannot control ejaculation for a long time. Super Tadapox treats PE by giving men complete control over ejaculation and delaying ejaculation with strong sexual performance.
How does Super Tadapox work?
Super Tadapox works by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 5 in our body. Phosphodiesterase 5 is responsible for the decrease in cGMP in the body.
Because the drug inhibits phosphodiesterase 5, it is rich in cGMP, allowing blood vessels and muscles to receive more blood and become more active in the penile area. This increased amount of blood flowing through the penis results in a strong and lasting erection.
Dapoxetine helps premature ejaculation. The SSRI dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, acts to slow down the ejaculatory process. This delay in ejaculation increases the likelihood of vaginal ejaculation.
Therefore, tadalafil and dapoxetine work together to improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, respectively, with tablets of this drug.
How to take Super Tadapox?
Super Tadapox is an oral tablet that is taken in the form of pills per day. You can use this medicine for impotence 30 minutes or 1 hour before the start of your relationship with your partner. Taking Super Tadapox on an empty stomach activates faster than after a heavy / fatty meal. However, it can be taken without meals or after a light meal.
If you plan to use this medicine, consider taking Super Tadapox for about 2 hours without drinking alcohol or grapefruit juice. Super Tadapox can make you crazy when taken with these drinks, so it is advisable to avoid them whenever you use this erectile dysfunction drug.
Do not combine Super Tadapox with other erectile dysfunction medications or with your current medication until you have discussed it with your doctor.
Side effects
- cough
- pain in your stomach
- flushing
- back pain
- arm or leg pain
- diarrhea
- heartburn
- seizures
- stuffy nose
- runny nose
- nausea
- urinary infections
- dyspepsia
- dizziness
- lightheadedness
- confusion
- headache
Dosage of Super Tadapox
The dosage differs between patients, but in most cases, patients are recommended to take a full dose of Super Tadapox. It is recommended to swallow without crushing or chewing. Not recommended for men under 18.
Do not take tablets of this medicine more than once a day.
Missed dose
If you miss a dose of this medicine, follow your doctor’s advice and don’t worry too much. Move the planned sexual intercourse further and take 1 tablet of Super Tadapox 1 hour before sexual intercourse.
Super Tadapox overdose is rare, but if it happens tell your doctor immediately and take antidotes if possible. Do not take more than 2 tablets of this medicine in 24 hours.
There are a few warnings or caveats to keep in mind.
Do not take this medication only after your doctor prescribes it for you and self-medicate because some diseases and medications interact with this drug and your doctor is the right source of information.
Do not drink or smoke while using Super Tadapox medicines.
Do not take Super Tadapox if you are a woman or a man under the age of 18.
To avoid altering the effects of this medication, do not eat foods high in fats and oils.
Patients who are allergic to the contents of this medicine, tadalafil or dapoxetine should not take this medicine. Otherwise, people may experience side effects.
Do not drive or swim as some patients may feel dizzy or unsteady while taking this medication.
Certain medications, such as those used for epilepsy and insomnia, may alter the effects of Super Tadapox and should be avoided while taking this medication.
Several drugs, including oral antidepressants, organ donor-specific drugs, antiretroviral protease inhibitors for AIDS and other viruses, SSRIs, SNRIs, lithium and tricyclic antidepressants, MAOI antidepressants, etc. When taken simultaneously with this medicine, side effects may be observed, such as amyl nitrate, the drug nitroprusside, the drug nitroglycerin, etc.
Super Tadapox is a doctor recommended drug and you should consult a specialist before using the drug.
Avoid taking medications in case they are affected by tadalafil or dapoxetine tablets or other repair catalysts.
The use of the drug is restricted to men. Try to avoid additional recreational use of remedies for women and adolescents.
Medicines and some nitrates do not mix well and should not be taken at the same time to avoid the risk of hostile well-being.
Here, we have mentioned that the page content is for informational purposes only and if you have any questions so you can consult your family doctor and ED counselor. Want a consult,
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